Developer documentation

Kastore largely follows the same structure and development processes as tskit. Please see the tskit developer documentation for details on project structure, code formatting, and more.


We use the semver convention for versioning. Kastore contains implementations for different languages, and these are versioned independently so that the semver semantics are meaningful. Released versions are tagged on GitHub with a language prefix and the version number (i.e., py_0.2.2); any release artefacts are uploaded separately as appropriate.

Release process

The release process differs depending on the language that been affected. If multiple languages have been updated, then the process should be followed for each language.


To make a release first prepare a pull request that sets the correct version number in kastore/ and updates the Python CHANGELOG.rst, ensuring that all significant changes since the last release have been listed. Once this PR is merged, push a tag to github following PEP440 format:

git tag -a MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH -m "Python version MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH"
git push upstream --tags

This will trigger a build of the distribution artifacts for Python on Github Actions. and deploy them to the test PyPI. Check the release looks good there, then create a release on Github based on the tag you pushed. Publishing this release will cause the github action to deploy to the production PyPI.


If the C API has been updated, the KAS_VERSION_* macros should be set appropriately, ensuring that the Changelog has been updated to record the changes. After the commit including these changes has been merged, tag a release on GitHub using the pattern C_MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH.